- Log-in to both iMac computers, then turn on the projectors.
- To turn on projectors, open Safari on the Right iMac. Click on the bookmark bar links for “Primary Projector, BG Left Projector, BG Center Projector, and BG Right Projector.” Click the “On” button on the web page that appears.
- Use the “Confidence Projector” remote to turn on the confidence projector. Remote is located on the right side of the counter under the light switches.
- Take a look at the Order of Service and the teacher’s notes so you know what happens when.
- On the Primary iMac (the one on the right), open ProPresenter (“Pro” icon in the dock).
- Announcements, Songs, and Message are preloaded in the playlist at the bottom left of the screen.
- On the Background iMac open ProPresenter (“Pro” icon in the dock).
- The Backgrounds are preloaded and will automatically display on this computer.
- Be sure to move the mouse once before the service, the computer will go to sleep after 3 hours of inactivity.
- On the Background iMac Desktop, double click on the “CG Side Screens” icon.
- Click “Connect” on the dialog box that pops up.
- Confirm slides are synced by clicking on a playlist item (i.e. Announcements) and a slide.
- The CG Side Screens computer is synced correctly if playlist position and slide position match when clicking on new items on the Primary iMac. (i.e Clicking 1st playlist item 3rd slide on Primary iMac should trigger 1st playlist item 3rd slide on CG Side Screens computer.)
- If systems are not in sync, see the “How to Re-Sync Slides” guide.
- On the Background iMac Desktop, double click on the “CG Stage TV” icon.
- Click “Connect” on the dialog box that pops up.
- Confirm slides are synced by clicking on a playlist item (i.e. Message) and a slide.
- The CG Stage TV computer is synced correctly if playlist position and slide position match when clicking on new items on the Primary iMac. (i.e Clicking 11th playlist item 3rd slide on Primary iMac should trigger 11th playlist item 3rd slide on CG Stage TV computer.)
- A small logo should appear in the middle of the Stage TV during the “Title Video” to confirm this sync is working properly.
- If systems are not in sync, see the “How to Re-Sync Slides” guide.
- Confirm the song order with the band leader before the production meeting.
- On the Primary iMac click the desired song in the playlist on the bottom left.
- Click the Arrangement button (button directly below “Volume” at the top right)
- Drag the blue bubble of Verse 1, Verse 2, Chorus, Bridge into the correct order according to the band leader. You can add additional pieces to the song by dragging the gray bubbles down to the line of blue ones. Be sure to leave a “Blank” at the beginning and end of each song, and also for instrumental breaks.
- Click the Arrangement button again to close and move on to the next song
- 30 Minutes before the service begins/right before the production meeting, click on “Announcement Slides” in the playlist, then the first slide announcement slide.
- Announcement Slides will loop until you click on a black slide.
- Black Slides are located at the end of the Announcement Loop and the beginning and end of each song.
- Turn on the lobby TV’s.
- Remote is located on the right side of the counter under the light switches.
- When the band goes onstage for the first music set, click on the first song in the playlist, then the first slide. You can follow long by clicking each slide, or using the left and right arrow keys.
- At the end of the first music set, click on the first slide of the Welcome & Announcements, then tell the camera operator to turn the camera on for the Announcements.
- At the end of the Announcements, click on the first slide of the Title Package, and wait for the camera to switch off before playing the Title Video.
- At the end of the Title Video, tell the camera operator to turn the camera on, then click on the “Message” item in the playlist, and the first slide.
- You can advance to the next slide by using either the space bar, or the left/right arrow keys.
- If you need to skip a slide, just click on the next slide you would like displayed.
- Any videos or images will be embedded in the message slides and will play when you click on that slide.
- At the end of the Message, click on the last slide of the message and wait for the camera to turn off before moving on to the 2nd worship set.
- After the last song, and after the worship leader dismisses everyone, play the Announcements.
- Announcements are both the first and last item in the playlist. These are identical.
- After the last service of the day and most people have left, power off All projectors.
- To turn off projectors, open Safari on the Primary iMac, click the links for all projectors in the bookmarks toolbar, and click the standby button on the web page that appears. A box will ask you to confirm before the projector will power off.
- Use the remote to turn off the Confidence Projector & Lobby TV’s
- Put both iMac computers to sleep.
- Special Circumstances
- A RivKids worker brings you a name tag, needing to page a parent:
- If it’s during the message:
- If a video is currently playing or the speaker is reading text that appears on the screen, wait until the end of that segment.
- Click the Messages button in the top middle of ProPresenter on the Primary iMac.
- In the Message box, enter the name on the RivKids name tag and click “Show Message.”
- Once you see someone who looks like a parent stand up and head towards an exit, click “Hide.”
- Click the Messages button again to close the Messages box.
- If it’s during the music:
- If a song is just beginning or ending, wait until the next first lyrics slide.
- Click the Messages button in the top middle of ProPresenter on the Primary iMac.
- In the Message box, enter the name on the RivKids name tag and click “Show Message.”
- Once you see someone who looks like a parent stand up and head towards an exit, click “Hide.”
- Click the Messages button again to close the Messages box.
- Someone informs you that there is a medical emergency and the medical response team needs to be paged:
- Follow the same procedures as for paging a parent above, but type in the word “STAT” in all capitol letters.
- Someone informs you that the Safety/Security Team needs to be paged:
- Follow the same procedures as for paging a parent above, but type in the word “SFTY” in all capitol letters.
- Someone informs you that a car’s lights have been left on:
- Please refrain from displaying these types of messages. We will gladly jump start the car after the service.